Prayer for Others: God who always listens

Here’s a pastoral prayer inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Lent 5A, including Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones) and John 11:1-45 (Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead).  It was posted on the Reformed Church in America website.

Prayer of Intercession
(inspired by Ezekiel 37: 1-14, John 11: 1-45)

O God, who always listens to us,
who breathes new life into us,
call us forward to resurrection.

We are surrounded by a world of dry bones,
a world of death and despair,
a world where we lose hope in our structures, ourselves, and you.
We pray for this world in need of your Word:
for all the people in it . . .
for those who lay down their lives . . .
for those who lead . . .


O God, who always listens to us,
who breathes new life into us,
call us forward to resurrection.

We are surrounded by people with dried up lives,
people unable to see your life past their tears.
We pray for this world in need of your healing presence:
for those who are imprisoned or alone,
those ill or infirm, or grieving, especially . . .


O God, who always listens to us,
who breathes new life into us,
call us forward to resurrection.

We are spellbound by those dry bones,
terrified of the stink of death,
and often too dumbfounded to call forth life in your name.
We pray for your chosen people, your Church . . .
We pray for the courage not just to follow you to death,
but to follow you to the New Creation.


O God, who always listens to us,
who breathes new life into us,
call us forward to resurrection.

Call us to follow in the footsteps of your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Savior,
who taught us when we pray to say:
Our Father in heaven . . .

~ copyright © 2008, Brummhart Publishing, DeFreestville, NY.  Posted on the Reformed Church in America website.