Pastoral Prayer: Lent 4A

Here’s a pastoral prayer for the fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A.  It was written by Paul Sauer, and posted on the Lutheran Forum website.


Pastoral Prayer

for the first Sunday in Lent

Lord God, you sent Samuel to anoint David in front of his brothers, and your Spirit came mightily upon him all the days of his life . Anoint us with your Holy Spirit, that we may serve you all the days of our lives.

The day of the Lord is coming: He abounds in steadfast  love. 

Lord Jesus Christ, you are our Good Shepherd. Even as the Psalmist talked about you in his Psalm, until he started talking with you, so train us to learn from his example. Become for us not only the subject of our holy conversation, but also our dearest confidant and companion.

The day of the Lord is coming: He abounds in steadfast  love.

Holy Spirit, help us understand what is pleasing to the Lord so that we may be children of the light. Wake up our sleeping spirits so that the light of Christ may shine on us and through us.

The day of the Lord is coming: He abounds in steadfast  love.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Light of the World. Even as you opened the eyes of the blind, open our eyes to see your presence everywhere, and give us the courage to confess our faith boldly, like one who knows whom to thank.

The day of the Lord is coming: He abounds in steadfast  love.

Great Physician, the infirmities of all people are subject to you and your word. If it be your will, heal those with special needs whom we name silently or aloud before you: ______ .

The day of the Lord is coming: He abounds in steadfast  love.

Though we remember we are dust and to dust we shall return, we remember that we are your precious dust. Amen.

~ written by Paul Sauer, and posted on Lutheran Forum.