Confession: John 9: 1-41

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by John 9: 1-41, where Jesus heals the blind man.  It was written by The Rev. Marilyn Kennedy Levine, and posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by John 9: 1-41)

Holy Jesus,
we confess that we fail to question our own sightlessness. 
Being so sure that we “see,”
we miss the truths you would teach us. 
With the poultice of your love, cure this blindness. 
Open our eyes to our own misunderstandings,
our own failures and our own faults. 
Make our “shadow side” known to us
and help us to diminish it with the light of your grace.
For it is only when we see ourselves clearly
that we can worship you truly. 
In the name of Jesus, we pray…

~ from Sharing the Light: Service Prayers and Holy Communion for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, written by The Rev. Marilyn Kennedy Levine.  Posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.