A Mid-winter Prayer for Others

Here is a prayer of intercession written by Rev. Ashley Sedon.

Prayer of Intercession

God of life and death
We pray for those who are facing the end of life with fear. 
May they come to know
that your love reaches out to enfold even in death.

We pray for those, and we are many,
who find it hard to accept ourselves the way we are
and choose to hide behind the masks of possessions and power. 
Help us to risk living with a little less of these
and to look at ourselves without fear through your eyes of love.

We pray for those in our world for whom it always seems winter,
who have no hope of the warmth and brightness
of a spring just around the corner. 
Those who have no food, no home, no money, no work. 
Help us to find ways to share what we have with them.

God of creation,
we pray for your world teetering on the brink of a long bitter winter
brought about by human neglect. 
Help us to work to restore a balance. 
Help us to rediscover and observe the rhythms of creation
which you wisely put into place. 
So that spring will follow winter and autumn, summer
and all may enjoy the fruits of your good creation.

We pray for our congregation
as we face the challenges of the future and look for your will for us. 
Help us to run the risk of losing things which we hold as precious
so that we are more able to reach others with your good news. 
Help us to be wise in deciding what, if anything, to discard,
what new vision, if any, we should pursue. 
Help us trust you for the new spring life which can flow out into our community.

~ Prepared by the Rev. Ashley Sedon for The Stewardship Resource “Common Ground, Holy Ground”.  http://www.presbyterian.org.nz/for-ministers/worship-resources/special-services/services-for-special-occasions/a-mid-winter-service