Pastoral Prayer: Epiphany 7A

Here’s a pastoral prayer inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Epiphany 7A.  It was written by Richard Bansemer, and posted on Lutheran Forum.

Pastoral Prayer
for Epiphany 7A

Lord God,
you are very specific when you teach us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
You remind us that you are our God,
and that you are to be respected above all others.
You call for mercy and justice from us to others,
and you make all of us responsible for our judgments.
Give us grace to be careful in all we say and do.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

You have taught us your ways,
and we ask with the Psalmist to observe all that we have learned
to the end of our earthly lives.
Help us delight in your commandments.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

Lord Jesus,
you have given us the task of building up the faith among all peoples.
With you as our foundation, make us master builders.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

Holy Spirit, Counselor,
help us love our enemies as Jesus taught us to do.
We want to be children of the Heavenly Father.
Make our judgments of one another different from the rest of the world,
that we may be true to the teachings of Christ.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

Enter into our hearts like you enter into the innocent hearts of children,
that we may be filled with joy in believing.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

In this world of sorrow and strife,
use us to relieve the sufferings of those you put in our lives to love,
and stretch our love to those beyond our own immediate family,
as we name those whom we know who need your special attention____.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

Make all our petitions selfless, like those you taught us to pray.  Amen.

~ written by Richard Bansemer, and posted on the Lutheran Forum.