Here’s a prayer of confession
inspired by Matthew 5: 21-37, Mark 12: 28-31 and other texts. It was written by Rev. Mindi.
Prayer of Brokenness
Holy One,
we confess that we have been
caught up in the ways of the world.
Instead of looking to
commandments and rules as a way to guide our life,
we use them to punish and
restrict others.
Forgive us for our judgments
and misconceptions.
Forgive us for not working on
ourselves, on our own lives.
Call us back to Your way of
a way of love, commitment,
respect, and forgiveness.
Call us back to a way of life
that honors You and creation,
and guides us to better love
our neighbors as ourselves.
In the name of Jesus the
who ended sacrifice and death
and fulfilled the promise of
new life, we pray. Amen.
~ written by Rev. Mindi, and
posted on Rev-o-lution.