Prayer for Others: Epiphany 5A

Here’s a prayer of intercession inspired by the scripture readings for Epiphany 5 A.  It comes from the LCA Worship Planning Page.

Prayer of Intercession

Jesus says: “You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.”
We pray now for the world in which we are called to let our light shine;
for the people who will see our good deeds;
and for the church in which the light of the gospel is proclaimed.
Lord, in your mercy:
   hear our prayer.

Provide faithful pastors to preach your good news
and to teach your commandments.
Strengthen the faith of your people through word and sacrament.
Bless the members of our congregation
that they may be salt and light in the world.
Bring to faith those who do not yet know you.
Lord, in your mercy:   hear our prayer.

Have mercy on all nations, and bless our own land.
Bring honesty and justice, peace and safety everywhere.
Bless and protect people in work and leisure.
Lord, in your mercy:   hear our prayer.
Comfort those who are suffering, downcast or oppressed.
Lift up the fallen and satisfy the needs of the hungry, refugees,
the homeless and those who lack even basics such as clothing.
Help all who are in any trouble.
Lord, in your mercy:   hear our prayer.

(other petitions may be inserted here)

Father, your Son is the light shining in the darkness of our world.
Teach us to love one another as you love us,
so that we may bring peace and joy to the world.
Hear our prayers, for the sake of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.

~ posted on the LCA Worship Planning Page.