Pastoral Prayer: Epiphany 6A

Here’s a prayer of petition and intercession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Epiphany 6A.  It was written by Richard Bansemer.

Pastoral Prayer
(inspired by Psalm 119: 1-8, 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9, Matthew 5:21-37)

Lord God,
you set before us commandments that affect our very lives.
We can only obey you by loving you above all others.
Give us the will and the skill to love you
with all of our hearts, minds and strength.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

Lord Jesus,
we know we are too often mere infants in the faith.
We argue over big things and little things,
and justify our points of view as faith.
Forgive us when we do this
and fail to remember that our growth in the faith
is a matter of being your servant,
working together with all other servants,
in this world which is your mission field.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

Holy Spirit,
help us understand the hard teachings of Jesus
about anger, name calling, bearing false witness,
fidelity and marriage.
Even before we come to understand,
give us the strength to obey.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

We bring before you the needs of all countries and communities
who seek to care for one another.
Help us to not merely rely upon governments for justice,
but to seek and do justice in our own daily lives.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

We look forward to the coming of spring
and the flowering of the earth from her winter's sleep.
Renew us also, that we may bloom like flowers,
ready to bring beauty to one another.
Let us walk: In the light of the Lord.

For those among us who need care,
help us be the caregivers.
When we name their names before you in prayer,
help us also to be a real presence to those we know _____.

Make all our petitions selfless, like those you taught us to pray.  Amen.

~ written by Richard Bansemer, and posted on the Lutheran Forum.