Call to Worship, Opening Prayer: Prepare the Way

Here’s a responsive call to worship and opening prayer from Rev. Susan A. Blain. 

Call to Worship
(inspired by Matthew 3: 1-12, Romans 15:7)

The Reign of God is drawing near:      
The prophet calls us to change our lives!

Prepare the way for the Lord:
A just and peaceful path!
Welcome one another, for Christ welcomes you:
For the glory of God!

Opening Prayer

Holy God,
We long for your peace, and trust in your promise;
we hear your call to turn toward you,
to change our lives and welcome you in.

Meet us here and fill
our minds with your wisdom
and our hearts with your peace,
that our worship together
may open us to the challenge
of your dream of wholeness for all.
In the Name of the One who is coming, we pray.  Amen!

~ written by Rev. Susan A. Blain, in To Dream God’s Dream: Service Prayers for the Second Sunday of AdventPosted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.