Prayer: Teach Me Your Ways

Here’s a prayer of petition from the Peninsula Covenant Church website.  The original version was written by Ted Loder.

Prayer of Petition: Teach Me Your Ways

Teach me Your ways, Lord,
that I may come down from my heights
and be open to the same Spirit
who moved over the face of the waters in the first day of creation
and moves also over the chaos of this time
to fashion a day like this,
a world like ours,
a life like mine,
a kingdom acting as leaven in the bread of earth.

And make me aware of the miracles of life,
of warm and cold,
of starkness and order,
of screaming wind and impenetrable silences,
and of the unfathomable mystery of amazing grace
in which I am kept.

Teach me Your ways, Lord,
that I may praise You
for all the surprising, ingenious ways You bless me,
and for all the wondrous gifts You give me,
along with all the pain and joy I sustain.

Teach me Your ways, Lord,
that I may accept my own talent openly,
nurture it hopefully,
develop it faithfully,
and give it freely.

Teach me Your ways, Lord,
that I may love Your kindness
and practice it toward the hungry of the world,
the poor and sick, and oppressed,
that I may learn the healing humility that comes from You.

Teach me Your ways, Lord,
so that my heart is flooded with Your mercy—
emptying it of what makes it firmly opposed to Your ways,
so that it beats more in rhythm with You
and pounds greatly for Your kingdom. Amen.

~ modified from “Teach Me Your Ways” by Ted Loder (Guerillas of Grace).  Posted on Peninsula Covenant Church website.