Prayer of Confession: Romans 13: 11-14

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by Romans 13: 11-14.  It was written by Moira Laidlaw.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Romans 13: 11-14)

God of light and life,
you set before us today
the challenges of laying aside the works of darkness;
of putting on the light of Christ;
of being watchful and prepared for your coming in our midst
in the person of Jesus Christ.

As the people of God in this place,
we know that a crucial part of our witness
is in revealing Christ to the world
through the way we love and care for one another.

Forgive us when people do not see any evidence in us
of the One who is to come.
So many people, young and old, grope helplessly
in the gloom of despair and suffering,
yearning for the light of hope to dawn in their lives.
Remind us that the light of Christ shines through people like us.

Merciful God,
cleanse our hearts and minds of all that hinders us
from loving you and loving our neighbour.
so that our lives radiate faith active in love,
as we watch and wait for your breaking into our world once more
in the person of Jesus Christ. Amen

~ written by Moira Laidlaw, and posted on Liturgies Online.