Prayer of Confession: Luke 19: 1-10

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by the story of Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-10).  It comes from an Order for Ecumenical Worship: World Aids Day 2002.

(inspired by Luke 19: 1-10)

You were accused, Good Teacher.
You ate with sinners.
You touched the unclean.
You offended common decency.

We had thought you came to bless us,
but you keep going to those we do not understand,
those we do not trust,
those we fear.

We want you to confirm our prejudices,
but you shatter them.
Samaritans, children, lepers, women, tax collectors, a sick friend, a dead daughter,
All of these you blessed and healed.
Those we distance ourselves from, you actually touch.

We grumble at you,
not sure that we can follow you in this way,
not strong enough to overcome what we have always been taught,
not open enough to see the depth and breadth of your grace.

Forgive us Jesus,
turn our grumbling into acts of courage.
Turn our codes of conduct into the conduct of compassion.
Turn our condemnation of the failures of others
into the awareness of our failure to love others with your grace and compassion.

Forgive us Jesus and make us new,
until we become one with the lost ones,
until we become lost in your love.

~ from Order for Ecumenical Worship: World Aids Day 2002.  Posted on