Here’s a pastoral prayer inspired by the suggested
scripture readings for Proper 28, Year C.
It was written by Terri, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.
(inspired by Luke 21, 2 Thessalonians 3)
Blessed God,
who caused all holy scripture to be written for our
Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and
inwardly digest them,
that we may embrace and ever hold fast
the blessed hope of everlasting life.
Signs of heaven, sighs of hope.
Let us pray.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Blessed God,
we ask your care for those who are victims of wars
and insurrections,
may they not be terrified;
for Nations rising against nations,
let Your love, steadfast and faithful,
be a great sign from heaven,
may Your peace bend our will to your will,
like trees in a strong wind.
Signs of heaven, sighs of hope.
Let us pray.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Blessed God,
grant your healing grace to the victims of great
famines and plagues;
let Your love, steadfast and faithful,
be a great sign from heaven,
may Your peace bend our will to your will,
like trees in a strong wind.
Signs of heaven, sighs of hope.
Let us pray.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Blessed God,
when we are weary, help us to do what is right.
Do not let us be led astray,
help us to come, in Your name, praising Your
Let Your love, steadfast and faithful,
be a great sign from heaven,
may Your peace bend our will to your will,
like trees in a strong wind.
Signs of heaven, sighs of hope.
Let us pray.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Fill us O God, with Your words and wisdom.
Blessed God,
we thank you for all the blessings of this life.
For the gift of life.
For the gift of Christ,
for the gift of the Holy Spirit,
for your tender mercy.
For Your saving love.
Let Your love, steadfast and faithful,
be a great sign from heaven,
may Your peace bend our will to your will,
like trees in a strong wind.
Signs of heaven, sighs of hope.
~ written by Terri, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.