Confession for Advent

Here’s an act of confession for the first Sunday of Advent, Year A from Thom Shuman’s Lectionary Liturgies website.

Call to Reconciliation

We don't know when Jesus will return,
and we are not to worry about it. 
But we do know when we do wrong,
when we hurt people, when we disappoint God. 
But God will change our sins into acts of mercy,
and our failures into faith. 
Join me as we pray to our God.

Unison Prayer of Confession

In this season of sales, shopping, and stress, God of Light,
we confess how easy it is to slip off your paths. 
We can become so focused on having good times,
we forget to take the time to do good for your people. 
We slip easily into Santa suits,
but find Jesus Christ an uncomfortable fit for our lives. 
We find ourselves strangely jealous over the gifts others receive,
yet have trouble accepting those gifts of peace and serenity
you hand out so freely.

Forgive us, Breath of Salvation. 
By your mercy, we can once again walk the streets of your kingdom,
being alert for the signs of your grace and hope in our midst. 
Teach us your ways of peace and reconciliation,
that we may truly live as the disciples of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon

This is the good news:
you will be swept away in the waters of mercy,
salvation carrying you home to God's heart.
Peace, serenity, healing, hope—
these gifts, and more, are ours
in this Advent season of watching and waiting. 
Thanks be to God.  Amen.

~ written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.