Prayer: Spirit Alive in Me

Here’s a litany about the presence of the Holy Spirit.  It was written by Judy Judd.

Prayer Litany

Spirit, you are alive in me.
And sometimes I’m afraid.

Spirit, you nudge me.
You whisper in my ear.
You blow around me,
Urging me to action.
And sometimes I’m afraid.

Spirit, you are alive in me.
And you are always here.
Always moving, always calling.
And I am unaware.
And sometimes I’m afraid. 

Afraid of the task.
Afraid of caring.
Afraid of responsibility.
Afraid of myself.
Spirit, you are alive in me. 

And I will let you lead me.
And I will hear you call me.
And I will journey with you,
Even when I’m afraid.
Spirit, you are alive in me, 
and I am alive in you. 

~ written by Judy Judd, in Peter Judd, ed., Prayers and Readings for Worship, Volume 2 (Herald Publishing House, 1996, ISBN 9780830907199), 20.  Posted on Community of Christ.