Prayer: Healing Humility

Here’s a prayer of confession from John van de Laar’s website.

(inspired by Luke 18: 9-14)

So many voices trumpet their greatness,
so many images boast of their beauty,
flaunt their power,
squander their wealth;
and all too many of them do so in your name, Jesus.

And here we are in a world which is daily broken
by the foolish arrogance
of men and women just like us;
And so we pray for the healing of humility
to flood every corner of our world:
wherever there is exploitation
and God-imaged people are dehumanised;
wherever there is neglect
and the needs of the poorest are ignored;
wherever there is disdain,
and the sacred value of creatures and earth are denied;
wherever there is violence,
and the gifts of difference and dignity are rejected.

Wherever people are tempted to think of themselves
as better than others,
more worthy, more deserving, more important to you,
may your humility break in and challenge us,
reminding us of our brokenness and need,
and teaching us to serve and to love everyone
with the grace and humility you show toward us.

~ written by John van de Laar, and posted on