Confession: Proper 20 C

Here’s an act of confession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Proper 20, Year C.  It was written by Thom Shuman.

Call to Reconciliation 

Before we speak,
God knows our needs,
yet our words open our hearts to God's grace.
Let us prepare ourselves for God's healing
as, in words and silence,
we tell of all that separates us from God and one another.
Please join me as we pray,

Unison Prayer of Confession

First of all, Everlasting God,
we must confess how we have not lived as your people.
We serve many masters—work, wealth, power, addictions—
yet find no hope in them.
We hear the cries of the poor,
and shut the doors of our hearts to them.
We ridicule those who expose their hopes and dreams to us.

Forgive us, Compassion's Heart,
and heal us of our brokenness.
Make us well, so that by our healing,
we might be the hope and love others need in their lives,
even as Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
brought these gifts to us,
calling us to be faithful with the grace, peace, and joy entrusted to us.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
(inspired by Ephesians 4:32)

Now that we have let go of the pain, the bitterness, the anger of our lives,
let us be kind, tender-hearted, and gentle towards each other,
forgiving as God has forgiven us.
We are God's beloved children,
and will model God's grace and love in our hearts.
Thanks be to God! We are forgiven! Amen.

~ written by Thom Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.