Confession: Broken People

Here’s a prayer of confession and words of assurance inspired by Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Isaiah 64:8, where God is portrayed as a potter. It was written by Rev. Mindi.

Prayer of Brokenness/Confession

Creator God,
You created the earth, whole and round;
You created us to be whole people.
But we have become fragmented, cracked and broken.
We have been broken by false promises,
lost relationships, shattered trust.
We have become cracked with the experience of systemic sin:
prejudice, oppression and fear.
We have become fragmented,
building up walls instead of lending hands.
Forgive us when we have done the breaking,
heal us where we have been hurt.
Let Your light shine through our cracks and scars
so that we might bring light to the world,
showing that in You we are made whole.
In You we find healing.
In You we find renewed life.
Help us to forgive, to love, to mend. Amen.

Blessing/Assurance of Pardon

God is the Potter, we are the Clay.
When we are cracked and broken,
God helps to bring us back together.
Sometimes we don’t feel the same afterwards,
but God uses every piece,
and offers us the newness of life to begin again. Amen.

~ written by Rev. Mindi, and posted on Rev-o-lution.