Advent/Christmas Litany: If You Choose

Here’s a closing litany for Advent or Christmas.  It was written by Rev. Gord.

Closing Litany

If you choose,
you can be instruments of hope in the world.
We so choose,
so we go to spread the hope and promise of a coming child.
If you choose,
you can counter the voices of anxiety and despair in the world.
We so choose,
so we sing songs of hope because the world can be changed 
If you choose,
you can fight against the fear that freezes the heart of many.
We so choose,
so we will tell of the love that conquers fear,
the love of a child in a manger. 
The choice is ours to make,
how we live into the possibilities of Christmas,
the beauty is that we do not live out the choice
by our own strength.
Go with God,
who feeds our hopes and quiets our fears
Always and everywhere. Amen.

~ posted by Rev Gord on his blog, Worship Offerings.