Advent Gathering: The Mystery Begins

Here’s a call to worship for Advent from Roddy Hamilton.

Opening Words for Advent:
The Mystery Begins

The mystery begins

Where the winter finds its feet
the rush of frost and chill
competes with the old hope of incarnation

Darker nights unfold
and with the fading of the light
the sun weakens

held by this frozen earth
wrapped in winters frost 
the mystery of the ancient hope is alight once more

for from the stump of Jesse
the dry old tree of David’s line
comes a new branch

a new shoot
cracking through the season
with a promise yet unfulfilled

this is the hoping
the waiting
the advent

Let us gather round the words
the prophets spoke long ago
and believe:

Emmanuel is on the way

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Listening to the Stones.  Used by permission.