Prayer of Confession: Vine

Here’s an act of confession inspired by Isaiah 5 and Psalm 80. It was written by Sara Dunning Lambert.

Prayer of Confession
(Isaiah 5: 1-7 and Psalm 80)

Divine God,
we try to grow happily, patiently, and faithfully
in the soil you have prepared for us.
You feed us, shelter us,
and provide for our daily needs.
Yet, we often fail to offer you
the fruit of our harvest.
We act as though we were abandoned children,
trying to make it on our own.
We feel forsaken, attacked by wild boars,
cut down by our enemies, and neglected
in the wilderness of our lives.
Yet, through it all,
you remain faithful.
Renew our lives once more,
and we will call your name on high.

Words of Assurance

Be assured that God’s love is sufficient.
In the warmth of the sun, the fertility of the soil,
and the refreshment of life-giving water,
we have been given all that we need.
God hears our cries, and comes to save us.
Through Christ we may lay aside our sins;
through Christ, we know we are safe.

~ by Sara Dunning Lambert. Posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website.