Prayer of Confession: Luke 12

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by Jesus’ teachings on possessions in Luke 12.

(inspired by Luke 12)

Merciful God,
we live in a society that focuses on gathering things.
We collect, store, gather items, gadgets, even people.
We focus our energies on our collections
providing adequate room for them
and yet we bar the door to the needs of others,
of those who have little or nothing,
of those for whom life has been a constant struggle.
We are sorry for the ways in which we have failed you.
Forgive us.
Turn us around to look at the ways in which our wealth,
both of substance and spirit,
can be used for healing and hope.
Enable us to be in ministry to those in need
and to care for this world.
For we ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

~ written by Nancy C. Townley.  Posted on the Worship Connection page of the Ministry Matters website.