Prayer for Others: Proper 16 C

Here’s a prayer of intercession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Proper 16 C, especially Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 1: 4-10 and Luke 13: 10-17.

Prayer of Intercession

Listening God,
Hear our prayers as we come before you.
Hear the ones who are crying with pain in their heart.
Hear the ones who are weeping with grief long into the night.
Hear the ones who are sobbing in their loneliness.

Loving God,
Heal their pain.
Restore their lives
Mend their broken hearts.

Leading God,
Lead us through the dark valleys.
Lead us through troublesome times.
Lead us to our home with you.

Teach us to listen to your voice,
That we may hear the cry of the needy and respond.
Teach us to love that
We may offer care that brings others to you for healing.
Teach us to lead,
With your vision so that we not lead others blindly through life.

Through your son who taught us to pray:

~ written by Rev Abi, and posted on Rev Abi’s Long and Winding Road blog.