Here’s a prayer of intercession inspired by the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:
9-13, Luke 11: 2-4). It was adapted from a prayer by Norma P. Dollaga.
Prayer of Intercession
inspired by the Lord’s Prayer
(Matthew 6: 9-13, Luke 11: 2-4)
Our Father who art in heaven
How blissful it is to imagine heaven on
But lives are always endangered.
Poverty consumes many, hunger and disease
destroy many.
The bodies of young people are for sale.
Mothers and fathers are migrating to foreign
seeking freedom and dignity and new
God, grant to us the experience of heaven on
Hallowed be your name
Your name is holy, your people are holy.
You created us in your image.
But the dignity of the poor ones is crushed
by those
who whip the poor by laws and by rules.
Your name was used by foreign powers.
In your name colonizers invaded foreign
In your name they burned and smashed.
Your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
We know that your kingdom is a kingdom of
love, justice and of peace.
A kingdom of righteousness and abundance for
Do not allow us to be deceived by the
standard of this world,
where unjust wars rule and colonizers become
rulers of the nations.
Let your will be done soon,
and vanish the pseudo-kingdom of empire
until we can finally say, heaven is possible
here on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread
The bread that we eat today satisfies our
But those who make the bread in many
countries have empty stomachs.
How can we be happy when our body is full
while many are wanting?
We have been told those who do not work
should not eat.
But how come those who work hard have too
little to eat,
while those who amass wealth by greed have
plenty to throw away?
May the daily bread we partake in
be the communion of struggle and hope,
and be the bread that is shared by all.
Forgive us our debt, as we forgive
We offer our self-criticisms.
When we have failed to love You and our
renew us and enable us to make up whatever we
have failed to do.
Give us hearts that can share your grace by
forgiving others.
Let us be humble like a dove and make us wise
as a serpent.
May we be sustained in our courage,
that we will not be manipulated by those who
have wronged,
exploited and oppressed your people.
Forgiveness is for those who have admitted
their accountability,
for your grace is sufficient enough to
correct our mistakes.
But arrogance and conceit will lead us only
to downfall.
And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil.
Lead us not to resignation in our work for
justice and peace.
Let not cynicism rule us,
but lead us to a deeper steadfastness to
overcome evil in our midst.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power
and the glory are yours forever. Amen.
This we believe.
Let your power of love and the glory of
justice and peace
be with us all forever and ever. Amen.
adapted from a prayer by Norma P. Dollaga. Posted
on the website.