Intercession for International Day of Peace

Here’s a prayer of intercession for September 21 (International Day of Peace).  It comes from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America website.

Prayer of Intercession for September 21

Lord, we pray for peace for those who weep in silence,
peace for those who cannot speak,
peace when all hope seems to disappear.

Silence is kept.

In the midst of rage, of violence and disappointment,
In the midst of wars and destruction of the earth,
Lord, show us your light in the darkness.

Silence is kept.

Lord, we pray for peace for those who raise their voices to demand it,
peace when there are many who do not wish to hear of it,
peace as we find the way to justice.

Silence is kept.

Keep your church free,
that it may be the channel through which justice and peace,
integrity and wholeness, harmony and goodwill
may flow to the dispossessed and the desperate,
that your kingdom may come in all its fulfillment of life and health and peace,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

~ from Prayer for Peace, adapted from materials from the World Council of Churches International Day of Peace, produced by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  Copyright © 2009 World Council of Churches. Posted on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America website.