Here’s a prayer of
confession from the Mennonite Central
Committee website.
Prayer of
(inspired by Jeremiah 6: 13-16)
O Lord,
All around us people cry “peace” when there is no
How can there be peace
when voices are silenced, people suffer, and rights
are denied?
How can there be peace
when bombs are falling, countries are at war, and
justice is denied?
O Lord,
All too often we are the ones who cry “peace” when
there is no peace.
How can there be peace
when people around us are lonely, stereotyped, and
How can there be peace
when our own nations use violence in the pursuit of
O Lord,
We confess our brokenness.
We confess our complicity.
We confess our contentment with “peace”
that is only about our own personal well-being.
O Lord,
Draw us to yourself, that we might live in your grace
and pardon.
Challenge us to see through false declarations of
Empower us to be peacemakers.
O Lord,
We stand at the crossroads and look.
Show us the ancient paths, where the good way lies.
Give us the courage to walk in it,
that all may find rest for their souls. Amen.