a prayer of confession inspired by 1 Kings 19.
It was written by Dr. Tom Cheatham.
of Confession
(inspired by 1 Kings 19)
O God, sometimes the journey is too much;
we can’t go on, and we complain that we are all
Nobody cares, not even you.
Our strength is gone, and we are ready to give up.
In those times,
when we are consumed with self-pity
and convinced there is no hope,
send your Spirit into our hearts to remind us of
your sustaining grace.
Strengthen us at your Table and by the daily
claiming of our baptism,
so we may go confidently on our journeys,
carrying out the mission you have given us.
Through Christ we pray. Amen.
written by Dr. Tom Cheatham, a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He blogs at The Connection blog.