Prayers of the People: 1 Kings 17

Here’s a prayer of intercession from the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.  It was written by Rev Allan McCafferty.

Prayer of Intercession
(inspired by 1 Kings 17)

Hear us as we pray for those who are thirsty,
places where there is drought,
or a lack of a clean water supply.
And for those who have to carry water for miles to keep everyday life feasible.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

We pray for those who are hungry,
places where the harvest has failed,
or some disaster or accident has affected the crop yield.
For those who are struggling to find employment 
and so struggling to afford to put the food they would like on the table.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

We pray for those who are struggling because they are widows or widowers,
for those who are bereaved 
having experienced the death of someone important to them 
whom they loved and still love.

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

We pray for those who are ill or near death,
those known to us
and those unknown to us but known to you

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

In silence we lift up those people and situations uppermost in our thinking today…

Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us

And hear us as we sum up all our prayers in the words Jesus taught us….
Our Father…

~ written by Rev Allan McCafferty, and posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.