Prayer to the Trinity

Here’s a beautiful prayer to the Trinity from hymnist Brian Wren. It comes from the Christian Aid website.

Prayer to the Trinity

Living Love,
beginning and end,
giver of food and drink,
clothing and warmth,
love and hope:
life in all its goodness - 
we praise and adore you.

Jesus, wisdom and word;
lover of outcasts,
friend of the poor;
one of us yet one with God;
crucified and risen:
life in the midst of death -
we praise and adore you.

Holy Spirit, storm and breath of love;
bridge-builder, eye-opener,
waker of the oppressed,
unseen and unexpected,
untameable energy of life -
we praise and adore you.

Holy Trinity, forever one,
whose nature is community;
source of all sharing,
in whom we love, and meet, and know our neighbour:
life in all its fullness, making all things new:
we praise and adore you.

~ written by Brian Wren, Christian Aid Prayers, 1980.  Posted on the Monthly Prayers page of the Christian Aid website.