Prayer: Psalm 96

Here’s a prayer from Pray the Psalms, inspired by Psalm 96.

(inspired by Psalm 96)

O Lord, sometimes we’re pretty good at declaring Your glory in the midst of Your people. We proclaim Your greatness in worship services. We sings songs and hymns of praise. We preach Your grace. We celebrate Your wonderful works together.

Yet this psalm reminds us to declare Your glory, not only among those who know You, but also among those who do not. You have sent us into this world to bring the good news of Your marvelous works, most of all Your salvation through Jesus Christ. We need to tell the world how much You care, how much You sacrificed for their sake.

As we reach out with the gospel, help us never lose sight of Your glory. May we be unhesitating in proclaiming Your wonders. And may You, indeed, be glorified in our words and our deeds . . . even today!

~ posted on Pray the Psalms.