Prayer of Confession: Trinity C

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Trinity Sunday, Year C (Psalm 8, Proverbs 8, Romans 5:1-5).  It was written by Rev. Heather A. Moody.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Psalm 8, Proverbs 8, Romans 5:1-5)

Gracious God, the psalmist declares
that you have given human beings
dominion over the works of your hands. 
All too often, though,
we confuse this holy charge with having ownership. 
We then treat your creation as a resource
to be used for our needs and our profit.                                    
We find ourselves reluctant to count the cost
of our failure to be your faithful stewards
until disaster strikes. 
And so we pray, show us another way, O God.
Show us another way.

Holy God, your cry for wisdom and understanding
echoes in our homes, our workplaces, our schools,
our church committee meetings, our legislatures and our courts. 
We confess we don’t always want to hear that cry,
deciding instead to rely on familiar habits,
comfortable assumptions, and quick conclusions. 
We ask you to show us another way, O God.
Show us another way.

Merciful God, the apostle Paul proclaims
peace, hope, and grace are your gifts to us.                  
And yet there are times when
grief overwhelms us, anxiety holds us captive,
and suffering leaves us numb with despair. 
We wonder how, even if you are at work in our lives,
and we long for you to show us another way, O God.
Show us another way.

(silent prayers)

Words of Assurance

Friends, hear this great good news:
God continually shows us another way. 
God’s mercy is as wide as the ocean. 
God’s desire to forgive is as strong as the mighty wind. 
So let your hearts receive the outpouring of God’s love
through the Holy Spirit.

~ written by Rev. Heather A. Moody, and posted on the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways website.