Confession: Proper 5 C

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for Proper 5 C, the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost.  It comes from the Ministry Matters website.

Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Psalm 146, 1 Kings 17)

Merciful God,
you know how we love miracles.
We love your healing, life-giving presence.
We confess that poverty and oppression
are less appealing topics.
Yet, we find you among the poor,
the downtrodden, the widow, the orphan.
In their midst we find you,
your prophets, and your miracles.
Dwell with us,
as we make the struggles of the oppressed
our own struggles.
Join us at your table,
as we join the effort to feed and clothe
those who live in want.
Grant us your compassion, we pray,
that we may truly be your people. Amen.

~ posted on the Ministry Matters website.