Call to Worship: Psalm 96

Here’s a responsive call to worship inspired by Psalm 96.  It was written by Joan Stott, and posted on the Geelong City Parish UCA website.

Call to Worship
(based on Psalm 96)

We come in reverent awe before the Lord our God—
for great is the Lord!
We come, to join with all creation
in singing new songs to the Lord our God.

We come in worship and praise—
for the Lord God is worthy of our praise!
We come, to share together
the news of our Glorious Lord’s saving deeds.

We come with songs and prayers—
to give well-deserved glory to the Lord!
We come, to bring our offerings of worship and praise
to the Lord our God—
whose holy splendour, honour and majesty
shines forth from God’s presence. Amen.

~ written by Joan Stott, and posted on the Geelong City Parish UCA website.

If used in worship, please include the following acknowledgement: “Copyright © 2013 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.”