Here’s a closing commission and benediction inspired
by 1 Kings 18 (where the prophet Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal). It was written by Nathan Nettleton.
& Benediction
(inspired by 1 Kings 18)
If the Lord is God, go now, and follow him,
and do not be tempted to share your loyalty with other gods.
Stay true to the gospel that has been revealed to you in Jesus.
Call on the name of the Lord,
tell of God’s salvation from day to day,
and live in righteousness and truth.
And may God bring you grace and peace;
May Christ Jesus heal you and raise you up,
and may the Holy Spirit’s fiery glory strengthen your hearts.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
In the name of Christ. Amen.
~ Copyright © 2013 Nathan Nettleton