Psalm of Praise: Psalm 148

Here’s a setting of Psalm 148 for four voices.  It comes from the Resources for Your Ministry website.

Psalm 148: For Four Readers

1:         Lord God, You deserve praise from everywhere,
everyone, and everything.

2:         Everything in outer space, the whole universe, praises You.

3:         Everything on the mountains and in the sky praises You.

4:         All of the angels and the heavenly host praise You.

1:         All of the oceans and everything in them praise You.

2:         Let them praise Your name, Lord.

3:         Because You simply commanded them to be made
and they were created.

4:         And You established them forever and ever.

1:         You made a decree, and that decree will never go away.

2:         You set a boundary that cannot be crossed.

3:         Everything and everyone should praise You:

4:         Everything in the ocean depths, including sea monsters;

1:         Lightning, hail, fog, and frost—
and the stormy winds that obey Your every order;

2:         Mountains, all hills, fruit trees, and cedar trees;

3:         Wild beasts, domesticated cattle,
creepy crawling things, and flying birds;

4:         All the kings, presidents, prime ministers,
dictators, judges, upper class and middle class;

1:         Young men and women, old people and children.

2:         Everyone on earth should exalt
and honor the name of the Lord!

3:         Lord God,
Your glory and majesty are above anything and anyone
on earth or in heaven!

All:       Hallelujah!

~ written by G.B., based on Psalm 148. Posted on Resources for Your Ministry website.