Here’s a prayer of petition and intercession from the Baptist Union of
Great Britain.
Come, Holy Spirit
Ever living and ever
loving God,
We praise you for
your loving presence with us.
Come, Holy Spirit,
take and transform
our societies—
that broken people
find healing;
that lonely people find
that bitter people
find peace;
that fearful people
find hope.
Come, Holy Spirit,
take our world’s
leaders and governments and bring renewal—
that communication
can be open;
that relationships
between hostile people and hostile nations will evaporate;
that a hunger for
justice addresses the hunger for food felt by so many.
Come, Holy Spirit,
fill your church—
that our worship will
be ever more pleasing to you;
that prayers will
change our minds
instead of trying to get you to change yours;
that our lives will
make a real difference to real people in the real world.
Come, Holy Spirit,
fill our lives with
your presence—
so that more and more
every day,
all that we do and
say and hope
will be an act of
worship to you and an expression of love to others,
to the glory of your name. Amen.
from the Baptist Union of Great Britain website.