Prayer: Architect of the Universe

Here’s a prayer of petition from Rev. Mindi’s Rev-o-lution blog.


Architect of the Universe,
Your voice called out over the deep and darkness and brought forth light.
Your voice called out over the waters and brought forth life.
Your voice called out over this earth and brought forth our very beings.
Your voice continues to call out in our Universe
and bring new hope and new life.

Help us to hear Your voice above the hum of the highway
and the buzz of the business talk.
Help us to hear Your voice in the cries of children,
in the soft tones of the sick, in the pleas of the poor.

May we hear, listen, and respond to Your voice
in our lives and in our world.
In Your name we pray. Amen.

~ written by Rev. Mindi, on her Rev-o-lution blog.