Prayers of the People: The Good Shepherd

Here’s a prayer of intercession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the fourth Sunday of Easter.  It was written by Fr. Jeremiah Williamson.

Prayers of the People for Easter 4

Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd of your people.  
Hear the cry of your flock as we pray, 
“Good Shepherd, Receive our prayer.”

Good Shepherd, you call us to follow where you lead.  
Give us ears to hear and know your voice.  
And give us the courage and strength
to lay down our lives for one another,
as even you laid down your life for us.


Good Shepherd,
Receive our prayer.

Good Shepherd,
gather to yourself the people of the world
so there will be one flock under your reign.  
Forgive us for our hatred and divisions.     


Good Shepherd,
Receive our prayer.

Good Shepherd,
you have blessed us with green pastures and still waters—
places in your world where we find rest and renewal.  
We thank you for the beauty of the earth. 


Good Shepherd,
Receive our prayer.

Good Shepherd,
even when wolves attack, you never leave your loved ones;
even in the valley of the shadow of death, you are present.  
Be with all victims of violence.  
Comfort them in their distress.


Good Shepherd,
Receive our prayer.

Good Shepherd,
you love us so much that you call us each by name:
We pray for the healing of our brothers and sisters in your name.


Good Shepherd,
Receive our prayer.

Good Shepherd, you are our salvation.  
Grant all who have died a dwelling place in your house forever.


Good Shepherd,
Receive our prayer.

~ written by Fr. Jeremiah Williamson, and posted on Praying the Scriptures.