Prayer to the Shepherd

Here’s a prayer inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the fourth Sunday of Easter.  It was written by Rev. Abi.

(inspired by Psalm 23, John 10)

We who live in a world of cities, tall buildings,
one way streets, suburbs, and gated communities
don’t necessarily know what sheep are like
or what shepherding entails.
Sometimes we do feel like sheep in our world
being herded by the dos and don’ts,
oughts and ought naughts, media,
voices we don’t even recognize.
Sometimes the din of the voices gets so loud
we can’t even recognize our own voice.
Calm and quieten our hearts, our minds and our souls
to that one small voice; yours.
And in hearing your voice we hear our own voices
that we sing your song of grace to one another. Amen.

~ written by Rev Abi, and posted on Rev Abi’s Long and Winding Road blog.