Confession: John 20: 19-31

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by John 20: 19-31.  It comes from the Ministry Matters website.


Prayer of Confession

(based on John 20: 19-31)


Must we see you in order to believe you, Lord?
Is seeing truly believing?
Are we to be prisoners of our senses,
distrusting and rejecting
whatever we cannot see, touch, or hear?
Yet you are faithful—
you give sight to the blind,
you carry us when we are weary,
you call us to your side.
The locked room of our hearts
opens at the turn of your key.
Speak your words of life to us again:
“Do not doubt, only believe.”
Speak your words of life,
that we might live.

Words of Assurance

The peace of God be with you.
Receive God’s forgiveness
and the promise of the Spirit,
for Jesus is risen from the dead.
Seen or unseen, he is present in our midst,
and we see the presence of Christ
reflected in each other’s faces.
Happy are those who have not seen,
yet have come to believe.

~ from the Ministry Matters website.  more: