Prayer: We Come to Remember

Here’s a prayer of remembrance written by William Loader for a Good Friday worship service. 


O God,
all our sin, all our hatred, all our violence,
all our apathy, all our convenient neglect,
came together in that dark hour
when they snuffed out the light of your goodness,
when they crucified your Son, our Lord.
And we come to remember.

O God,
all your love, all your compassion,
all your goodness, all your forgiveness,
came together in that life and that dying,
your undying and unending love,
when they crucified you Son, our Lord.
And we remember.

O God,
all of his story, all of human history,
all our story, repeats itself
where hate meets love, where injustice meets justice,
where despair meets hope, death meets life,
and we dare to believe we were there
when they crucified your Son, our Lord
and that this is none other than the way also to truth and life.
And we remember.  Amen

~ written by William Loader as part of a larger Order of Service for Good Friday.  Posted on Bill Loader’s Home Page.