Lenten Blessing: Into Lent

Here’s a blessing for the start of Lent from Roddy Hamilton’s Listening to the Stones blog.

Into Lent Blessing

May the dust of the wilderness hold our footprints
shaped as they are by your hurt
for dust remembers

May the journey into wilderness unfold
for honesty is the gift
your soul recognises as you

May your time in this wilderness
be shaped by space
rather than minutes
so there is time enough for all of you

May the stones in this wilderness
cry out your name loudly
that your spirit recognises the voice
that has been calling you always

And may you know this wilderness
has been expecting you
and you find between the stones
a promise growing

~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Listening to the Stones. http://newkilpatrickblog.typepad.com/nk-blogging/mucky-paws/