Here’s a
prayer of confession for the first Sunday of Lent, Year C. It was written by Bruce Prewer.
Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Romans 10:8-13)
Seek the Saviour while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near.
For he will have mercy
and abundantly pardon.
Let us pray.
Since even when we give our best and strongest
love to your service,
we still fall short of the glory you intended
for us;
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Since even in our moments of sharpest clarity
and wisdom
we are yet creatures of profound ignorance and
much foolishness;
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
you know how hard it is for us the see your truth clearly,
follow it fully, and to love you completely;
have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
God, the magnitude of our sins
far outreached by the magnitude of your mercies.
your grateful people, turn to you in trust,
through Christ Jesus that our sins may be forgiven
our folly overruled by your abundant grace.
Through this same Jesus Christ.
Words of Assurance
The Scripture says:
“No one
who believes in God shall be put to shame.
For every
one who calls upon the name of the Lord will
be saved.”
By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
I assure all who repent of their sins,
that your guilt is annulled and your freedom is granted.
Thanks be to God!