Call to Worship: Into the Wilderness
Here’s a call to worship for the first Sunday of Lent. It was written by Thom Shuman.
Call to Worship
(inspired by Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke
Jesus began his ministry to the world,
led by the Spirit into the wilderness.
As we begin our Lenten journey,
let us be led by the
even into the
uncomfortable places.
those forty days, and in that place,
Jesus was faced with hunger, doubt
and temptation.
As we seek to follow Jesus,
we would be led,
even into the
uncomfortable choices.
left the wilderness,
faithful and obedient to God,
rejoicing in the One in whom he trusted.
As we continue on our path to faithfulness,
we will be led by our
rejoicing in the
Lord our God.
~ written by Thom
Shuman, and posted on Lectionary Liturgies.