Benediction: Lent 1

Here’s a closing commission and benediction for the first Sunday of Lent.  It was written by Bruce Prewer.

Commission and Benediction

It was never promised
that you will not be tempted,
not thrown into turmoil,
not stumble or fall,
but that by grace you will be saved, through trusting God.
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

Grace is a free gift of God. 
Gift. Just ongoing gift. 
For me. For you.
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

You have a destiny to inherit,
over which the angels in heaven marvel.

The quiet strength of Christ,
the humble power of God,
and the pervasive light of the Spirit,
is yours
today and always.

Thanks be to God.

~ written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on Bruce Prewer’s Home Page.