Confession: Living for Ourselves

Here’s a prayer of confession written by Rev. Mindi for the first Sunday after Epiphany, Year C.  It is inspired by the promises of God in Isaiah 43.


Prayer of Brokenness/Confession

God who Delivers and Redeems,

we have failed to live into the promise of new life.

We have been afraid to enter troubled waters

   to help the poor and downtrodden.

We have been afraid to walk with those

   burned by the system of sin and oppression.

We have sought ease and comfort

   in exchange for ignoring the hungry and sick in our world.

Forgive us when we have seen our faith in such narrowness,

   thinking of only our own salvation.

Forgive us when we have not lived for others,  

when we have not been willing to risk ourselves for the sake of others.

Call us into new life,

a life that is lived in the promise of Your love for the whole world.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Blessing/Assurance of Pardon

In the darkness, light shines.

In the midst of troubled waters, a hand reaches out.

We are not alone on this journey of faith.

When we seek God, we shall find God.

God forgives, renews, and restores—

let us go forth and do the work of God. Amen.


~ written by Rev. Mindi and posted on her Rev-o-lution website.