Confession: Epiphany 3 C

Here’s a prayer of confession inspired by the suggested scripture readings for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (Year C):  Nehemiah 8, Psalm 19, 1 Corinthians 12, Luke 4).  It comes from the Ministry Matters website.


Prayer of Confession


Ever present One,
you call us to be your presence,
your body in this world,
but too often we get caught up
in being a hand or a foot,
and lose sight of the overarching mission
you set before us.
We fracture into pieces.
We go our separate ways,
forgetting we need each other to be whole.
You have given us your law to be our guide,
but we turn our backs
on what we see as rules and restrictions,
fearful that we will not live up to your expectations.
Help us see with new eyes,
and hear with the ears of our heart,
the liberating spirit of the law
that strengthens and revives and enables us
to be and do all you call us to be and do.
O God of liberation and justice,
help us be faithful witnesses
to your law of love and unity. Amen.


~ posted on the Worship Elements page of the Ministry Matters website.