Confession: 1 Corinthians 12
Here’s an act of confession inspired by 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31. It was written by Thom Shuman.
Prayer of
We are baptized as individuals,
yet called to live and serve together.
We know, and need to confess,
how we have sought to live for ourselves,
not reaching out to others,
and seeing them as parts of Christ's Body.
Join me as we pray, saying,
Rock of our salvation,
we know
the faults try to hide from you and others.
We have not
cared for all people in the same way.
We do think some are more gifted, or better, or
We are
more willing to rejoice with someone,
than to
suffer with another.
We are
not sure the prisoners should be set free,
or the
poor given hope.
Redeemer of all people, forgive us.
Anoint us with your Spirit's power
so our eyes
might be opened and our ears freed
to listen to what Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
us about your love and grace for our lives.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
God's Spirit is upon us:
the Spirit of forgiveness, the Spirit of grace, the Spirit of oneness.
Today, and in all the days to come,
God's Spirit is with
be to the One who is our joy and our strength. Amen.