Prayers of the People for Advent

Here’s a prayer of intercession for the season of Advent.  It was written by Margaret McGee.

Prayer of Intercession for the Advent Season
(inspired by Isaiah 35)

In patience and in hope,                               
let us offer our prayers to God,                    
saying with one voice,

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.    

For all who walk in God’s Holy Way:
those in the pews and in the pulpits;
those at home and on the streets;
for all who ponder God’s promise in their hearts,
and all who carry the good news into the world,

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.

For the nations and their leaders:
that eyes may be opened and ears unstopped,
and that peace and justice break forth in every land.

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.

For all the world: heaven and earth,
the seas, and all that is in them.
For the early and the late rains,
and the precious crop from the earth.
For the gathering darkness and the light of hope.

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.

For this community and all who live in it,
each member of the whole body:
friend and stranger, parent and child,
brother and sister, widow and orphan.
Strengthen weak hands, dear God,
and make firm the feeble knees.
Say to those who are of a fearful heart, Be strong, do not fear!

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.

For all who are nearest to you, O God:
the lonely, the out-of-work,
the sick, the fearful, the cold, and the hungry.
For the one who is sorry, and the one who is ashamed.
It is you, our God of hope, who sets all prisoners free.

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.

For all the departed, and all who remember,

We rejoice with joy and singing
For the coming of the LORD is near.

We are waiting, O God, with all the patience we can muster.
Beloved of angels and archangels,
Lover of saints and sinners,
God our Savior, to you alone we pray, Amen. 

~ written by Margaret D. McGee, and posted on In the Courtyard.