Here’s an opening litany for
Advent from the Wellsprings website. It is inspired by verses from Psalm 72 and Isaiah 11.
Opening Litany: The Return of the King
by Psalm 72 and Isaiah 11)
In his days justice shall
flourish and peace till the moon fails
In his days, justice shall flourish
and the voice of those who are oppressed will be heard.
The poor will receive enough on which to live
and the rich will share gladly
the abundance they have received at the hand of God.
In his days justice shall
flourish and peace till the moon fails.
The wolf lies down with the lamb:
the fierce gives way to the tame,
the weak protect the strong,
the powerless contain the power of the mighty.
In his day justice shall
flourish and peace till the moon fades.
God will give judgment to the King,
to the One who comes in the name of the Lord,
to establish peace and justice
with integrity and with mercy.